Daniel tells us why he started motorcycling at 35 years and how he uses his Cromwell 125.">
“Hey guys, I’m Daniel and I’m the pilot of the month. I’m 36 years old, come from Poland and work as a sound engineer. In my free time I enjoy music, photography, skateboarding and fitness. At the beginning of this year I started my new hobby, motorcycling, and since then I’ve been riding the Brixton Cromwell 125.”
Three words that describe motorcycling for you?
Freedom, fun and adventure.
What inspired you to ride a motorcycle?
I rode a motorcycle as a child, later I played basketball and skateboarded for many years.
This year I went to have my car serviced and during the break I went to a motorcycle shop, I chose a bike and do a test ride and so I started looking around for a motorcycle, I chose the Brixton because I like its classic, sophisticated look and sound.
How long have you been riding the Cromwell 125 and what is the current mileage?
I’ve had it since June 2024 and I am approaching the thousand kilometers.
Have you ever combined music and photography with your Brixton?
On my first album. The song ends with a motorcycle ride. I’m also thinking about a music video with my Brixton.
At the end of the year I’m finishing an artistic project with a grant and I’m planning to go there on my motorcycle to take the last photos in the park on it.
What does your working day as a sound engineer look like?
I’m currently working on my new album, writing lyrics and producing beats. I’m also producing music for a singer’s new album.
My working day starts with playing the piano, finding a melody, choosing drums and bass, then recording the backing track, mixing, editing and mastering. When the song is finished, I write lyrics for it or suggest it to other artists.
Which song would you use to describe riding the Cromwell 125?
‘Windy Town’ by Chris Rea. I think the title perfectly reflects the atmosphere of motorcycling.
How old were you when you first rode a motorcycle?
I think I was 10 years old when my friends and I rode my dad’s motorbike on our property.
What do you like about riding?
I like the freedom of being able to go places that are not always accessible by car, the sound of the engine and the nice warm wind.
Have you changed anything on your Brixton? What ‘update’ should not be missing?
Side pockets are incredibly practical as they offer a lot of storage space. I’m also thinking about a skateboard holder.
If you could build your own motorcycle, what would it look like?
I wouldn’t change much, maybe I’d fit a backrest and switch to a Brixton model with a more powerful engine in the future. I’ve already thought about the Cromwell 1200.
What’s the longest distance you’ve ever travelled?
So far, I’ve used the Brixton more for familiar routes in my neighbourhood. I’m planning a route of over 300 kilometers to the oldest landscape park in Poland for next year.
Photos: Daniel
Daniel’s motorcycle: Brixton Cromwell 125
Follow her on Instagram: @kosinskiart
Want to be the next pilot of the month? Send us an email to Marketing@ksr-group.com. We want to hear your Brixton story!