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Brixton Rider in Spain
NEWS | 22 December 2020

Rider of the month: Oscar

My name is Oscar Ezama. I am 47 years old, a father of two children and I live in Asturias, a natural, green and mountainous paradise in the north of Spain, bathed by the Cantabrian Sea. I am an interior designer and I run an interior design studio with a shop and carpentry. The store was founded by my great-grandfather in 1892 and is one of the oldest in Spain. Work and family occupy all my time, but every morning I get up very early to ride my motorcycle. I like to see the sunrise in the mountains and ride alone on the dirt tracks with the first light of the sun. Landscapes, mountains and nature are my greatest escape, the best medicine against routine. In my youth I rode several bikes, motocross and trail, 2T engines and never more than 125cc. My last bike was a Cagiva Trail from 1990! A serious accident kept me apart from the world of two wheels for more than 25 years. But when I met Brixton it was love at first sight. A second youth.

1. In one word, why do you ride a motorcycle?

Adventure – I don’t use my motorcycle to work or move around the city. I look for landscapes and difficult roads to explore so I can enjoy the mountain. Every day I have a new adventure with my little Brixton.

2. What was it about Brixton Motorcycles that got your attention?

It’s a young brand, very carefully designed without neglecting retro trends. The brand’s commercial approach seems perfect to me and connects with young people looking for their first motorcycle, as well as people like me – middle-aged riders who want to reconnect with an old passion. I especially like that the brand cares about having a big presence on social networks.

3. What Brixton are you riding? What’s your favourite thing about it?

My bike called La posta Brixton is a green and brown Cromwell 125; the prettiest of all Brixtons! I had doubts because the Felsberg seemed more suited for off-road use, but for me, the design and aesthetics are fundamental and the retro lines of the Cromwell, with its colours and chrome in the image of classic English motorcycles, were decisive.

I’ve changed the original tyres to something more enduro-focussed. I’ve also fitted a heavy-duty chain and a 47 tooth rear sprocket to slightly shorten the gear ratio and improve acceleration. The bike is light, manageable, tough and courageous – a tireless companion for epic adventures. The full Arrow exhaust system has also greatly improved its power.

Brixton Cromwell 125

Every day I have a new adventure with my little Brixton.

4. How long have you been riding for?

I bought my Brixton in June this year. It’s been five months and 7,500km of fun.

5. Why have you called your bike “La Posta”?

Posta means small lead bullet, and the popular expression “Quick like a Posta” was used by my grandparents when, as a child, I flew in front of their house with my bicycle. There’s a ram’s head in the tank, representing my passion to get off the road and climb the mountains.

6.What’s the craziest ride you’ve been on? Where do you plan on going next?

I have driven in thick fog, at night, in the rain … in many extreme conditions. I have abandoned the trails to climb the mountainside, crossed mountain streams, and been chased by sheepdogs in the middle of nowhere. I have been stuck in the mud, but I have always been able to go back to home with
a smile. I am an extreme driver and most of my routes are insane!

7. The furthest from home you’ve ever been on your Brixton?

In September I took a 350km trip to meet another Brixton rider, the sputnikBrixton. We met in Ourense (Galicia) and travelled another 120km through the canyons of the Rio Sil, riding mountain roads in a spectacular natural setting. We did 470km in a day, without rest. With the return home, we did more than 800km in just over 24 hours – quite a challenge for a little 125. I plan to do more than 1,000km in a single day this summer.

8. The most beautiful place you’ve been on your Brixton?

You don’t look for the most beautiful places, they find you and surprise you. After overcoming a sea of clouds, a sunrise high in the mountains is always breathtaking. The Picos de Europa (Asturias Natural Park) are an authentic wonder for their mountainous landscapes and proximity to the sea. The views are spectacular.

9. Would you rather ride on ocean roads, or mountain passes?

The mountain, always!

10. The best place to run out of gas?

Really? It is impossible to empty the tank! More than 400km without refuelling!

Photos: Oscar

Oscars Motorcycle: Cromwell 125

Follow Oscar on Instagram: @la_posta_brixton


Do you want to be the next rider of the month? Send us an email to We want to hear your Brixton story!